Tuesday, 27 December 2016


Am at home all week for the Christmas holidays.  The mobile phone is on silent mode.  I've ceased to check my work emails.  It's my feeble pursuit of tranquility. Living with emotionally needy parents can be draining.  On Sunday I attempted (unsuccessfully) to read a book.  With every 2 pages that I turn my mum would appear by my side with either a question, something to discuss, or something to say.  

Yesterday I finally spent half a day on my own - in a cafe, sipped fruit tea and read a novel.  A much needed (albeit brief) liberation.

This afternoon, while Mum was busy at the sewing machine, I made a batch of Drop Scones.  At the speed of light and quietly as a mouse I moved, and even managed to snap a few photos before the sun got smothered by layers of dark clouds.  



万事皆有因果 一切的苦乐都是外缘 荣辱与祸福 皆是前世的孽 现在虽有  缘尽又归于无 所以得之不喜 失之不忧 一切随缘