Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Whenever I gaze upon a painting by Canadian artist Coplu, I'm reminded of sunshine and Happy Feet.

My favourite Coplu painting depicts a lone man playing the violin to a heart-shaped balloon that seems to be floating away, and he is trying to woo Love back with a serenade. "Oh, so lonesome!" I cried when I first laid eyes on it. At least, that was how I interpreted it.

It is in a gallery called Ode To Art that I first came across the whimsical artworks by Coplu. I fell in love with the vibrant colours and cartoon-like figures (usually of a couple or a man) all paying homage to Dreams and Love. 

When my work day ends, I enjoy strolling by the gallery window, where the latest and most prominent pieces are displayed, and smile at each Coplu artwork. Occasionally one of the pieces would disappear and my heart would sink a little.  I would then move to the gallery entrance and peer inside hoping to catch sight of the missing piece. “Ah it’s still there!” and I my heart does a little tap dance. Most of time, it meant the painting had been sold and my heart would weep a little.  Unlike Coplu who is selfless when it comes to love, I am unable to let go.

You see, I later learnt that the painting that I like is entitled "Emanticipation of Romance".  "Emanticipation" means "relinquishing control".  So in reality the little man was setting Romance free, bidding goodbye graciously with a D Major.  Truly heartwarming.

I dream that  I would one day bring Coplu home.  In the meantime,  晴晴 (true to her name) brought the sunshine with her when she arrived last month. 

After some prompting, the promising young artist shyly affixed her signature. Some day in the near future she’ll be as sought after as Coplu.  (Go, girl!)

Remember, you met her here first!


万事皆有因果 一切的苦乐都是外缘 荣辱与祸福 皆是前世的孽 现在虽有  缘尽又归于无 所以得之不喜 失之不忧 一切随缘