Sunday 17 July 2011


Because Tammy fell in love with The Little Nonya, she felt she had to visit Melaka to experience the Peranakan culture.  I've already been to Melaka several times but was happy to show her the sights.  Our first stop was the Baba Nonya Heritage Museum.  This is my third time joining the one-hour guided tour of the place but I'm not yet tired of it.

Melaka is no longer the quiet little town I came to love a decade ago.  My favourite chicken rice stall on Jonker Street has flourished into a busy restaurant.  A modern shopping mall has established itself right next to Hotel Equatorial.  Frankly, I don't like the progress at all.  I much prefer to capture the sleepy side of Melaka.

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We grieve because we have loved. A young sage once told me that grief comes and goes in waves. It has been a month but still grief hadn'...