Saturday, 11 June 2011


This beautiful 1950’s cabinet (above) was given a new lease of life by the folks at Second Charm. They salvage what others deem junk and restore them to their former glory.  This piece now sits proudly in my study, holding my growing collection of cookbooks. I’ve been eyeing similar pieces of vintage furniture since January but my mother was determined that no book case was coming into our home until after the Chinese New Year for the simple reason that the word “书” (book) sounds the same as “输” (lose). LOL! 

Anyway, it has finally arrived! 

In the recent years, I've grown increasingly intriuged by vintage furniture.  Each piece has its very own character and story.  I especially love furniture made of solid teak, like this retro art deco piece with U-shaped legs (below), which was a wedding gift to my parents from their friends.  It'll remain a treasured piece in my home for many years to come.


emy said...

That cupboard looks great! I have been wanting one for the longest time!

Fun said...

Go visit Second Charm! I'm sure you'll find one that you like.


万事皆有因果 一切的苦乐都是外缘 荣辱与祸福 皆是前世的孽 现在虽有  缘尽又归于无 所以得之不喜 失之不忧 一切随缘