Monday, 12 September 2011


These pink roses were baked specially for my childhood friend Wai Ling, who celebrates her birthday today. Wai Ling and I have been friends since we were in kindergarten. We even shared the same classrooms in primary, and most of secondary school. Not many friendships make it this far. I cherish what we have.

When I was in Taipei last month, I bought a book by Pierre Herme,  In it is a recipe for Cake Ispahan.  As soon as I saw it, I knew it would be perfect with my new Nordic Ware Sweetheart Rose Cast Aluminium Non-stick Muffin Pan.

The startling combination of raspberries and scent of rose petals make my little sponge cakes clear winners.  I wonder, however, if the book was really written by Pierre Hermé himself because the Cake Isphan in the PH Paris website looks nothing like the one featured in the book!

As I was whisking egg whites at the dining room table a fairly large wasp, obviously attracted by the scent of rose essence, flew into our apartment.  It hovered over my left shoulder for about 2 seconds before dancing into the living room where it was spotted by my parents.  My mother went up in arms, rolling up the magazine she was reading, baton-like, to hit the poor thing with.  The insect, sensing impending doom, fled through the living room window.  In it's haste to get way, it didn't fly out.  Rather, it accidentally slipped off the window ledge and plunged!  It was extremely comical to watch.

Happy birthday, Wai Ling!  May our friendship lasts a lifetime.


christina said...

How is the book? I was thinking about buying a Chinese-translated PH book from Taiwan.Did you notice any mistakes? I already found some in my newly-purchased Laduree sucre.

I saw you had a great time in gourmet travel in Taiwan. I surely miss it.

Fun said...

The book is wonderful. No mistakes I can spot so far, but I'm not at your baking 境界yet, Christina. :)The book was first published in Japan then translated into Chinese. Since the Japanese are meticulous perhaps misprints are minimalised.

Yes I loved it in Taipei! Next year I'll take a train from Taipei and venture out further.


万事皆有因果 一切的苦乐都是外缘 荣辱与祸福 皆是前世的孽 现在虽有  缘尽又归于无 所以得之不喜 失之不忧 一切随缘