Thursday 12 September 2024


We grieve because we have loved.

A young sage once told me that grief comes and goes in waves. It has been a month but still grief hadn't caught up.

I remember vividly the day I sent him into the nursing home. I had cried buckets. I still do, whenever I remember that day. After that day I started to see him everywhere - on the bench below our flat, in the coffee shop (that he once visited every morning), while crossing the street ... my heart ached for him then.

Strangely, I don't miss him as much now. After all, he is in a better place. A few people have asked me whether he has appeared in my dreams. My answer is "No, I think he might have gone fishing."


We grieve because we have loved. A young sage once told me that grief comes and goes in waves. It has been a month but still grief hadn'...